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UEFA e Serie A, guerra alla Super League: "Chi partecipa fuori da campionati e competizioni europee"

Andrea Agnelli

L’UEFA, le federazioni calcistiche di Inghilterra, Spagna e Italia così come la Premier League, La Liga e la Lega di serie A annunciano guerra totale ai fautori della Super League. Il progetto di creare una competizione di elite per poche potenti società europee scatenerà una reazione ad ogni livello, annunciano oggi queste entità con una nota congiunta pubblicata sul sito della UEFA. Un progetto definito “cinico e fondato su interessi personali di pochi club in un momento in cui la società avrebbe bisogno di forte solidarietà oggi come mai”.
Tra le misure che potrebbero essere adottate “il divieto di giocare qualsiasi altra competizione a livello domestico, europeo e mondiale”, mentre ai calciatori coinvolti “potrebbero essere vietato rappresentare le rispettive nazionali”. Infine il ringraziamento “ai club che si sono rifiutati di aderire, in particolare in Francia ed in Germania”, che non hanno firmato la nota. “Se il progetto dovesse andare avanti, faremo appello alla reazione di tutti gli amanti del calcio”.

UEFA, the English Football Association and the Premier League, the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) and LaLiga, and the Italian Football Federation (FIGC) and Lega Serie A have learned that a few English, Spanish and Italian clubs may be planning to announce their creation of a closed, so-called Super League.

If this were to happen, we wish to reiterate that we – UEFA, the English FA, RFEF, FIGC, the Premier League, LaLiga, Lega Serie A, but also FIFA and all our member associations – will remain united in our efforts to stop this cynical project, a project that is founded on the self-interest of a few clubs at a time when society needs solidarity more than ever.

We will consider all measures available to us, at all levels, both judicial and sporting in order to prevent this happening. Football is based on open competitions and sporting merit; it cannot be any other way.

As previously announced by FIFA and the six Federations, the clubs concerned will be banned from playing in any other competition at domestic, European or world level, and their players could be denied the opportunity to represent their national teams.

We thank those clubs in other countries, especially the French and German clubs, who have refused to sign up to this. We call on all lovers of football, supporters and politicians, to join us in fighting against such a project if it were to be announced. This persistent self-interest of a few has been going on for too long. Enough is enough.

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